Illumination & Awareness
The Brief:
This case study will outline the implementation of a simulation-based workshop co-designed with members of the Transgender and Gender Diverse (TGD) community, to support identified gaps in undergraduate nursing programmes on TGD patient care. The study examines the impact of the workshop on participants’ awareness of unconscious bias and prejudicial assumptions, raising awareness of the challenges and assumptions that TGD individuals still experience when accessing healthcare, despite the National LGBT Action plan (2018).
The Problem:
Individuals possess a range of understanding when it comes to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), specifically considering sexuality and LGBTQIA2S+ and the awareness of associated unconscious bias, prejudicial assumptions, and professionalism. The nursing school identified the importance of student nurses being given the opportunity to explore, discuss, reflect and practise their communication skills within a safe and supportive environment.
The Requirement:
A nursing school approached SimComm Academy to develop a simulation-based workshop, required to provide nursing students with the opportunity to learn how to display empathy and sensitive communication, and raise awareness of treating TGD patients and carers with civility and respect, linking this learning to the NMC code of conduct.
The Outcome:
The simulation-based workshop consisted of a forum theatre scenario, translated from lived experiences of TGD individuals and focussed on prejudice and disrespect. The scenario incorporated an individual from the TGD community and a nurse who displayed assumptions and bias. The scenario was observed by the participants, followed by a facilitated discussion. The scenario was then re-played, giving the participants the opportunity to rewind at any point to change the behaviour and language of the nurse, with the aim to improve the patient experience and care, through enhanced respect and communication skills.
Following the forum theatre scenario, SimComm’s Equity and Inclusivity Advisor who played the role of the TGD patient, de-roled and, as their authentic self, described their personal journey, experiences and insights. For ethical and safety reasons the forum theatre simulation and the lived experience session were delivered as two separate elements of the training, although incorporating both, strengthened the authenticity of the workshop.
Tangible Results:
Analysis of the evaluations demonstrate a clear shift in knowledge from before the workshop to after the workshop. This is shown in the chart below (figure 1): Before the workshop, 41% of responses expressed no, limited or neutral knowledge, whereas after the workshop, 97% of responses expressed good or excellent knowledge on the subject matter.
Figure 1: Before and after breakdown of participants responses
The evaluation also encourages the participants to note any qualitative comments they had on the workshop. Participants found the mode of delivery with interactive scenarios, actor role players and facilitated discussions an extremely useful method of learning as seen in the comments below (figure 2).
Figure 2: qualitative comments from participants
“I can’t stop thinking about it and I received two teams call from students yesterday to say how much they enjoyed yesterday and how valuable the learning experience was.”
“It was a fabulous session, the students loved it.”
“I haven’t stopped thinking about it and feel I am the better for having attended”
“was very insightful, informative & educational”
“Detailed, person centred & interesting”
“Very inclusive and raised my awareness”
“Very helpful to link with the NMC code”
“Hearing the personal story makes it so powerful – very privileged to have heard this directly from her”
“This workshop has positively changed my perspective about transgender individuals”
The simulation-based workshop delivered to nursing students significantly aided them in developing their skills and confidence in communicating with and providing care for members of the TGD community. Participant feedback demonstrated a clear shift of 56% increase in the knowledge gained through the workshop, alongside the value expressed by individual participants regarding the impact of the scenarios and the personal, lived experience. The value of the workshop was powerfully summarised by one participant who wrote “this workshop has positively changed my perspective about transgender individuals”.